Hello all! I hope you had a nice weekend. My spending has started, and we now have a new TV. It's taken me forever, but I'm finally jumped on this HDTV thing. Soon the old TV will be hooked up in the other room and I can dive into the sweet world of nostalgia by hooking up my PS2 and Nintendo. There are a few more steps I need to take before that happens though (i.e. we need to get a nice tv stand to put the new shiny one on), but it will happen and it will be glorious!
I think I may have overdone it a little last week, so my weekend was spent trying to be nice to my (stupid) wrist, which sadly meant the writing portion once again did not get done. I seriously need to stop up things for my writing on the weekends. Now that March has started, the goal for finishing the writing portion of "Rending the Seal" has once again been pushed to this month. I think it's actually realistic this time, since I'm getting closer to the big climatic end, I just seriously hope it works this time. I dislike not making goals.
This week I will try to keep my writing portion up, but will try not to go absolutely crazy. Part of the problem I think was how much I did at work, combined with the fact I got a new game for my DS. So, not wanting to neglect the beauty that is Devil Survivor 2, I'll likely be slowing down a little at work. Which will be both good and bad, since I'm making excellent time on that particular story, so I want to keep working on it, but if I have to slow down, I must. Hopefully the crazy won't set in too quickly.
Thanks for stopping by! As an announcement/reminder, Smashwords is having a sale this week, so you'll be able to get "The Light Rises" for 75% off! That means you can get it for just a dollar! All you have to do is to go the page for "The Light Rises", and there is a coupon code there for you to put in when you checkout! Simple as that! Please stop by and check out the book and tell your friends! I'll see everyone back on Wednesday!
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