Monday, February 25, 2013

02/25/2013 Magnificent Monday!

Welcome back everyone! I hope your weekend was fun and exciting. I am super not used to working Saturday anymore and there is a very profound feeling that my weekend was far too short going through my head right now. It doesn't help that I've also spent this weekend looking for one of my notebooks and haven't been able to find it, which is driving me a special kind of crazy.

I'm sure it's sitting somewhere right in front of me, but that doesn't make knowing exactly where it's at any easier. It's the notebook that contains 'Feathers of the Dead' and while I don't necessarily need it right now, it would still be nice to know where it's at for future reference. I'm sure everyone knows how that is when you have something, and then it suddenly disappears for no particular reason. I mean seriously, where is my stuff?

I have actually been making some decent progress on 'Daughter of the Shackled King' and I am becoming pleased with the page count as well. I think it'll still be a little short before any real editing starts up, but it is actually nice to see it coming full-circle. My test reader (finally) got back to me about 'Through the Broken Mirror' too, which apparently they finished weeks ago and had forgotten to say something. Luckily the things that I was worried about are apparently working, though there are a couple things they admit they were a bad person to read it because they already know about one of the characters. I think I'm handling it alright though, so the feedback was nice. Hopefully I'll be able to start working on that again soon; just need to get myself in the right mindset.

Soon I think I will be taking a break from 'Daughter of the Shackled King' to officially start the ridiculous process of editing 'Rending the Seal'. I think it's been long enough pretending that it doesn't exist and I really need to start getting things in gear for that. The hardest part, and this could just be me since I was (admittedly) stupid and let's just say a little more impatient when I wrote it, is going to be formatting it with chapters. Since I had written it as part of NANOWRIMO I was going for word count and put markers where the chapter breaks will be, just not the actual chapter numbers, which is something I have learned going forward. That happened with 'The Light Rises' too and I was always worried I was either going to repeat a number, or even skip one, which did happen a couple times and I needed to correct it. Hopefully that won't be too bad, I just need to get that process started and get that thing into a 3-ring-binder and get that whole thing started. It will be kind of nice not to carry my laptop with me everywhere though for a while...thing gets surprisingly heavy.

It's kind of neat seeing all of the projects starting to come together, and hopefully as the series continues that will be even more satisfying. I have no idea what I'm going to do once everything's finished, but luckily for me that is going to be a long time from now. Right now though, I hope all of you have a good start to your week. I'll be back on Wednesday as always so I would appreciate you stopping by and checking it out. Until then, have a great week!


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