Hi everyone! We all made it through the week in some way, shape, or form. I still have to work tomorrow, and I remembered at almost midnight that I have a pre-release thing on Sunday, so mine's not completely finished yet. At least the weekend sounds like it should be entertaining. Right now though, let's get to work on the reason why you're here.
I bring you 'Flower Beds' by James Hampton today. In the future water is scarce, so the things people are legally allowed to do with it are limited. Things like watering your garden are seen as wasteful, and when Officer Lucas finds a repeat offender once again watering his flowers, he readily takes action against the old man. However, what he discovers may not be good for his world view.
Mr. Milton looks and acts like anyone's grandfather, and that's probably because he is one. He loves his family just like any other person would, but he sees the flaws in the system, the part that makes him hurt and angry. There's another part of him that just doesn't care anymore, and when Officer Lucas confronts him he decides it's time to make a difference and ends up forcing the officer into his home where he can try and show him the problems with the world, even if it means risking his own life to do it.
Generally I don't like making political statements, and I can see quite a few of them in this story, however this is rather well written so I wanted to do the review anyway. It's nicely written and like many intellectual pieces, which means it makes you think about what the world must be like for this man, and you hurt for him. He sees the problems and knows there are very few chances he's going to be anyone that will make it go away.
'Flower Beds' is available for free on Smashwords, and it's also relatively short, so if you want something to read on your break or lunch feel free to pick it up. I'm sure the author would appreciate it very much,
Thanks everyone for stopping by today. I know this was a really weird week, so I appreciate everyone's patience going along with it. I'll be back on Monday, likely a little tired, but with a full report of the weekends events. I hope I have good news of how I did on Sunday too! See you all then!
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