Hello everyone! I hope the weekend saw you well. I had a lot of fun and made lots of progress on my side-project. I've added a couple more cards to the project, and if you'd like you can see the Magician and the Fool here. I did work on the Hierophant and the Lovers as well, but I am waiting to upload them until I take a picture with better lighting. Hopefully that will be done either today or tomorrow morning.
I am enjoying this project very much, I know it makes me look like an editing slacker, a part that does make me sad, however this is so different and so big that I think the satisfaction is being able to finish it will outweigh any guilt I have. Today I get to start work on cards for the characters from 'Through the Broken Mirror' and while that section will be the smallest, since there is overlap between that story and 'The Light Rises'/'Rending the Seal' it will mean I am just over halfway done when I get through them. Still though, super fun and I really hope I can finish all of them.
Last week saw some good traffic over to 'The Light Rises' thanks to the sale at Smashwords. While that didn't mean that the number of sales went up, I'm still happy that anyone went and took a look at the page. Exposure is very difficult so getting any at all is a much-needed boost.
I also hope this post makes sense to those reading it. Daylight Savings kicked in this weekend and I feel like I have been beaten to near-death because of it this morning. It doesn't help that this is the Saturday that I work, so my work-days are going to be longer than normal. I really hope I am able to survive today, because right now I'm not sure if that's going to happen.
Thanks everyone for stopping by today, as I said before I will be putting up more links either tonight or tomorrow morning for my cards. I really hope everyone is enjoying that project as much as I am and I'm really looking forward to the real finished products. That will happen after I print everything out again, re-color them to make everything much more smooth and vibrant and scan them into my computer as a final image. I really hope they turn out as well as I think they will. For now though I hope everyone has a great start to their week!
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